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WTAS: More Positive Reviews About The Lee-Rubio Tax Plan

Mar 16, 2015 | Press Releases

Wall Street Journal’s Neil King: “The far bigger thinking [on tax reform], though, is happening on the Republican side, where Sens. Marco Rubio of Florida and Mike Lee of Utah have floated a tax plan that has seized the imagination of many conservatives.” (Neil King Jr., “Lee-Rubio Plan Gives Life to 2016 Tax Debate,” Wall Street Journal, 3/13/15)

James Pethokoukis: “I love the basic structure of Lee-Rubio … It is the Reagan formula updated for the 21st century.” (James Pethokoukis, Op-Ed, “On Rubio the Candidate and Rubio the Wonk,” National Review Online, 3/12/15)

Former director of the Congressional Budget Office Douglas Holtz-Eakin: “It focuses on the right question at the right time, which is: How will we grow more rapidly?” (Richard Rubin, “Republicans Vie Over Who Can Cut Taxes Most as Deficit Shrinks,” Bloomberg, 3/12/15)

Tax Foundation’s Andrew Lundeen: “Rubio-Lee Tax Plan Grows The Economy And Lifts Incomes Across The Board” (Andrew Lundeen, Op-Ed, “Andrew Lundeen Rubio-Lee Tax Plan Grows The Economy And Lifts Incomes Across The Board,” Forbes, 3/11/15)

  • Lundeen: “In all, the proposal would provide a large boost to the economy and create winners across the income spectrum.” (Andrew Lundeen, Op-Ed, “Andrew Lundeen Rubio-Lee Tax Plan Grows The Economy And Lifts Incomes Across The Board,” Forbes, 3/11/15)

Tax Foundation: “Senators Rubio and Lee have constructed a comprehensive tax plan that combines a number of solidly pro-growth reforms with a major social policy provision. If enacted, we estimate it would deliver strong growth for many years. Further, it would significantly raise the incomes of the poor, rich, and middle class.” (Michael Schuyler and William McBride, “The Economic Effects of the Rubio-Lee Tax Reform Plan,” Tax Foundation, 3/9/15)

Heritage Foundation: “The Lee–Rubio Tax Plan’s Business Reforms Are Tremendously Pro-Growth” (Curtis S. Dubay and David R. Burton, “The Lee–Rubio Tax Plan’s Business Reforms Are Tremendously Pro-Growth,” Heritage Foundation, 3/9/15)

  • Heritage Foundation: “The business side of the Lee–Rubio plan is the best business income tax reform plan that has been proposed in Congress in recent memory. … The business tax reforms are so positive that, taken as a whole, the plan would dramatically improve the economy and the incomes of American families.” (Curtis S. Dubay and David R. Burton, “The Lee–Rubio Tax Plan’s Business Reforms Are Tremendously Pro-Growth,” Heritage Foundation, 3/9/15)

  • Heritage Foundation: “Senators Mike Lee (R–UT) and Marco Rubio (R–FL) recently released a tax reform plan that amply succeeds at the core mission of tax reform, which is to improve economic performance.” (Curtis S. Dubay and David R. Burton, “The Lee–Rubio Tax Plan’s Business Reforms Are Tremendously Pro-Growth,” Heritage Foundation, 3/9/15)

John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy’s Nick Novak: “With government growing at a feverish pace and the tax code getting more complex, I would expect the folks in Washington to take a serious look at tax reform. Luckily, Sens. Marco Rubio, Florida Republican, and Mike Lee, Utah Republican, have put forth a plan that will start the much-needed conversation on this topic.” (Nick Novak, Op-Ed, “Federal tax reform: The time is now,” Washington Times, 3/12/15)

  • Novak: “This would obviously be welcome news for every taxpayer. Is the Rubio-Lee plan perfect? Probably not. However, it is a major step forward. It would be much better than the current system and can be the first draft of what is hopefully a comprehensive tax reform package.” (Nick Novak, Op-Ed, “Federal tax reform: The time is now,” Washington Times, 3/12/15)