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We Must Repeal ObamaCare

Feb 1, 2013 | Blog

Now that several of ObamaCare’s big tax provisions took effect this month, we are seeing more evidence of why it will prove to be one of the most economically destructive laws in American history.  In fact, even before its implementation, it was already wreaking havoc on American businesses, entrepreneurs, and workers by casting a cloud of uncertainty over the American economy.
ObamaCare is a $1 trillion tax hike. And the uncertainty surrounding its unclear and still unwritten regulations has scared businesses away from hiring new workers.  It has prompted job creators to develop all kinds of mitigation plans to avoid ObamaCare’s mandates and penalties.  Some employers are shifting some workers to part-time, and others are being laid off entirely in an effort to avoid triggering ObamaCare requirements. Moreover, other employers are beginning to pass extra costs along to consumers. Even unions that backed ObamaCare now want out.  And these kind of problems will only get worse when individuals who resist the federal government’s mandate to buy health insurance suddenly find themselves with an IRS problem stemming from the ObamaCare mandate tax.
I believe ObamaCare was a major public policy mistake from a health care standpoint, but especially from an economic one because ObamaCare is a job killer.  During my first two years in office, I proudly supported and voted for efforts to repeal it.  This week, I proudly signed on as a co-sponsor of Senator Ted Cruz’s bill to repeal ObamaCare in its entirety, and I will continue urging the Democratic majority to allow this bill to come before the Senate.
Unfortunately, full repeal efforts have not been successful to date.  However, Republicans have succeeded in invalidating some of its provisions, most notably the 1099 provision that eliminated an arduous tax reporting requirement for businesses that spend more than $500 at another business.  Without repeal, this would have meant countless hours filling out mountains of compliance paperwork.
But ObamaCare has bigger problems and is destined to crumble itself, and this country, under the weight of its enormous costs.  It’s why we need to keep fighting to repeal and replace ObamaCare as soon as we can.