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VIDEO STATEMENT: Rubio Pushes To Defund ObamaCare After President’s Jacksonville Speech

Jul 26, 2013 | Press Releases

Rubio: “We cannot stand by and allow America – where talent and hard work has always meant that the sky is the limit – to be destroyed by an ObamaCare law that puts a ceiling on people’s dreams and a cap on the aspirations of job creators.”

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio released the following video statement pushing to defund ObamaCare after the president’s speech in Jacksonville, Florida. For television stations interested in airing today’s statement, a broadcast quality video is available here. Today’s statement is also available on YouTube.

“Yesterday, President Obama visited Jacksonville, Florida to share his ideas on how to strengthen our economy. He visited the port of Jacksonville – known as JaxPort – which is a transit point for imports and exports that fuel our economy in Florida, as well as the entire country.

“Now in his speech, the President advocated for a variety of economic initiatives. And like most of his ideas, many of them require more spending and a bigger role for the federal government.

“The President has lamented this week on how Washington has taken its eye off the ball when it comes to our economy. But in fact, the most pressing economic threat we face right now is ObamaCare, and it’s implementation, and all the President wants to do is postpone some of its more controversial aspects until after the next election, he wants to give more speeches, and he wants to spend more money to convince people that it’s really not that bad.

“Mr. President, it’s not that Washington has taken its eye off the ball. It’s that you refuse to see ObamaCare’s failings and, like so many of your policies, when you see a problem, your solution is to throw more money at it.

“We can’t keep doing this, and we won’t.  Several of my colleagues and I have made clear we won’t fund ObamaCare as part of the short-term spending bill that is going to be considered here in Congress in September.

“ObamaCare is a disastrous law that threatens the future of small business owners and workers all around the nation.  That’s why Americans from a variety of economic and political backgrounds – from small business leaders to labor union bosses – are raising their voices about what a disaster this law is.

“We should not waste any taxpayer money on a program that hurts small businesses and their workers.

“We cannot stand by and allow America – where talent and hard work has always meant that the sky is the limit – to be destroyed by an ObamaCare law that puts a ceiling on people’s dreams and a cap on the aspirations of job creators. 

“We can’t allow this to be a place, just like so many other places in the world, where our message to job creators is: ‘Don’t grow too big, or government – the IRS in specific – will come after you.’

“Defunding ObamaCare is a critical first step, and this September, we need the American people to stand with us in demanding that not another cent be spent on implementing ObamaCare.”