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VIDEO: Rubio: Millions of Venezuelans Have Said ‘We Don’t Want to be a Cuban-Style Government’

Jul 19, 2017 | Press Releases

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), chairman of the Senate’s western hemisphere subcommittee, delivered remarks at the Congressional Hispanic Leadership Institute (CHLI) Congressional briefing today in support of the people of Venezuela as they fight for freedom and democracy.
Rubio’s remarks can be watched here. A partial transcript of Rubio’s remarks is below.
RUBIO: [T]his cause … is not about interfering in the internal affairs of Venezuela. It’s about supporting the people of Venezuela. In essence, this is a cause they’ve taken up. If millions of people had shown up this Sunday in support of moving in the Cuba direction, we would be very disappointed.
But that’s not what happened. Millions of people showed up to reject this unconstitutional direction that the country is headed. In essence, millions of Venezuelans have said, “we don’t want to be Cuba.” For good reason. “We don’t want to be a Cuban-style government.” And it’s appropriate, one, in a country that has one of the oldest traditions of democracy in the region. And how tragic would it be if on July 30th of this month, that constitutional order was overthrown? And what would take its place is no less than a Cuban-style government. It is not an exaggeration to say that. They are basically taking the Cuban model of government and are going to impose it on Venezuela.  It would be the first loss of democracy in the region in almost 40 years. …
To those in the private sector who are thinking about lending money to Venezuela, ask yourselves, you will become the financiers of a repressive regime. And the reputational damage would be impossible to undo.
To the Russian government, if you want to get paid back on all this money that Maduro owes you, the best bet you would have is to have a democratic government in place with a prosperous economy.
To the Chinese government, how humiliating, how humiliating that you’re not going to get paid back on all the money these people owe you? How humiliating is that?