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VIDEO: On CBS, Rubio Discusses The Need for Plan B on Border Security, DACA

Jan 31, 2018 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) appeared on CBS This Morning today to discuss President Trump’s State of the Union Address and the need for a plan B on border security and DACA.
A key excerpts of Rubio’s remarks is transcribed below.

NORAH O’DONNELL: I noticed yesterday that you tweeted that we needed a plan B bill that just deals with DACA and the border. So do you think the changes to this family migration and the visa lottery can’t get through the U.S. Senate?
RUBIO: I think they can because Democrats have voted for them in the past. In 2013, the Gang of 8 bill that some hate and others always point to, the Democrats not only went to that sort of immigration on the family but they also got rid of the visa lottery, which is the other thing the president is asking for. Now in fairness, I think they would say we did it as a part of a comprehensive package.
But the truth of the matter is that those things can be done. I’m in favor of doing them. But I am just saying that if we can’t, if somehow we just can’t get those things done, then we should have a plan B that basically focuses on border security and focuses on making sure that the people here under DACA now do not lose their status. Give them something permanent. They know they’re going to be here for the rest of their lives. And then, fight another die or keep working on the path to citizenship part. ”