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VIDEO: In English & Spanish: Rubio Welcomes New Sanctions Targeting Human Rights Violators In Venezuela

May 18, 2017 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – Speaking on the U.S. Senate floor yesterday, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) called for the United States to impose sanctions against human rights violators allied with Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro and his regime. Today, Rubio welcomed the Trump Administration’s new sanctions targeting eight members of Venezuela’s Supreme Court of Justice, including its president. 

A downloadable broadcast quality version is available for TV stations in English and Spanish here. An audio file is available in English and Spanish here. A transcript of Rubio’s remarks is below.

VIDEO: Rubio comments on new Venezuela sanctions
VIDEO: Rubio opina sobre nuevas sanciones de Venezuela 


RUBIO: “I’m pleased that the administration has made Venezuela, human rights and respect for democracy a priority. The Administration’s announcement to sanction eight members of the Venezuelan Supreme Court of Justice, including its President, I think sends a clear message to the people in Venezuela that we are firmly on their side.

“Along with the help of United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, we’ve made it clear to Maduro and his thugs that their actions are not going to go unpunished. The Venezuelan people truly deserve a government that respects the constitution, the impartial rule of law. And I think it’s the responsibility and duty of the nations of the Western Hemisphere, including our country, to help them to achieve that return to democracy.

“This announcement should be encouraging to the people of Venezuela that they are not alone. And it is my hope that the President will impose even further sanctions in the future as appropriate.”


RUBIO: “Me agrada saber que es una prioridad para el Presidente Trump y su administración el tema de los derechos humanos y el respeto por la democracia en Venezuela. El anuncio de la administración para sancionar a 8 miembros de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Venezuela, incluyendo al Presidente, envía un claro mensaje al pueblo venezolano que Estados Unidos está firmemente de su lado.

“Esta administración, junto  a la Embajadora de las Naciones Unidas Nikki Haley, ha dejado claro a Nicolás Maduro y sus matones que sus acciones no quedarán impunes. El pueblo venezolano se merece un gobierno que respete la Constitución y la regla imparcial de la ley. Y es la responsabilidad y el deber de las Naciones del hemisferio occidental, incluyendo los Estados Unidos, para lograr un retorno a la democracia.

“Este anuncio debe ser un mensaje alentador al pueblo de Venezuela. Para que sepan que no están solos. Y espero que el Presidente Trump imponga más sanciones.”