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‘They Are Slumlords’: Senator Marco Rubio Calls For Justice Dept. Investigation Of GMF

Jul 6, 2016 | News

Senator Marco Rubio called out Memphis based Global Ministries Foundation and its founder Richard Hamlet Wednesday on the Senate floor.
He called the troubled non-profit “slumlords” and said the Department of Justice should look into GMF’s tax status.

Tax records show millions of dollars shifted from GMF’s housing non-profit to its religious non-profit.
Rubio said people operating like GMF should never be allowed to have a HUD contract again.
This all transpired as Rubio introduced three amendments to a housing bill.
One of the amendments would give state and local governments more authority when HUD renews contracts with owners that have previously violated contracts.
Senator Rubio also called on HUD to fix its inspection process.

Rubio also discussed poor living conditions at GMF properties in Florida, Georgia and here in Memphis.
The Florida senator recently visited the troubled Eureka Garden Apartments in Jacksonville.

HUD pulled GMF’s funding at Warren and Tulane in February.

Bondholders recently sued and a new realty company will be acting as the receiver at those properties.

The judge said they should be immediately marketed for sale.
Earlier this month, GMF listed several of its properties for sale.
GMF has been under intense scrutiny since last year when poor living conditions were uncovered at several complexes in Memphis.
The non-profit was cited for numerous code violations after failing to make repairs at Warren, Tulane and Goodwill.

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