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Strengthening Immigration Reform: Criminal Offense To Use Fake Documentation

May 20, 2013 | Press Releases

CONCERN WITH ORIGINAL BILL: While the immigration bill has been described as having “the toughest immigration enforcement provisions ever seriously considered in Congress,” senators noted that it was not a criminal offense when someone knowingly used a falsified or fraudulent immigration document or when someone attempted to use a falsified passport. While using a false document is not allowed, there was not an avenue to penalize those who did so.

HOW THE AMENDMENTS STRENGTHEN THE BILL: Two amendments from Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) make the use or attempted use of fraudulent documents a criminal offense. Lee 16 makes the knowing use of a fraudulent immigration document a criminal offense. Lee 17 makes any attempt to use a false passport a criminal offense.

All of the amendments submitted to the Committee on the Judiciary are available online for review here