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Senator Rubio Urges President to Suspend Taxpayer Assistance to Palestinian Authority

Jun 22, 2011 | Blog

Today, Senator Rubio signed a letter to President Obama expressing his serious concerns about the agreement signed between the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Hamas, a terrorist group known to target attacks on innocent civilians and to support the destruction of Israel. Senator Rubio, along with 15 other U.S. Senators, notes that no U.S. assistance can legally go to the PA unless it abides by three basic principles: rejection of terrorism, recognition of Israel’s right to exist, and adherence to all previously-made agreements. Hamas continues to reject these requirements. As recently as last month, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh stated, “our plan does not involve negotiations with Israel or recognizing it.”

Hamas is clearly not committed to peace. As the letter states, Hamas is “committed to the destruction of Israel and terrorism is the essence of its foreign policy.” As long as this remains true, it is very unlikely that a unity agreement between the PA and Hamas meets the most basic requirements of U.S. law. Therefore, the Senators urge President Obama to suspend U.S. taxpayer assistance to the PA.

Senator Rubio has also cosponsored a Senate Resolution (SRES 185) opposing any unilateral declarations of a Palestinian state and calling upon the President to lead a diplomatic effort to stop such efforts at the United Nations and other international forums.

Last month, Senator Rubio made a similar call to stop taxpayer funding of PA.  Read that statement here.