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ICYMI: Rubio Joins America Reports

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined America Reports to discuss President-elect Donald Trump’s historic victory, Democrats’ proclamation of “resistance,” and the failure of identity politics. See below for highlights and watch the full interview on YouTube and...

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Inauguration Ticket Information

Senator Rubio's office is pleased to be issuing a limited number of tickets to President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration ceremony, which will occur on January 20, 2025 at the West Front of the U.S. Capitol. Floridians interested in receiving tickets should fill out...

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ICYMI: Rubio Joins Hannity

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined Hannity to discuss President-elect Donald Trump’s historic victory. See below for highlights and watch the full interview on YouTube and Rumble. On the ongoing realignment among American voters: “The Republican Party now reflects...

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Senator Rubio Tells Constituents: Repealing ObamaCare Only Answer To IRS Scandal

May 29, 2013 | Press Releases

Rubio: “The IRS is deeply involved in implementing ObamaCare. They’re on the front lines of it. … The only answer to this is to repeal ObamaCare. It’s just one more reason why this law is going to be a disaster for our country. And in the months to come, I’m really going to focus on the issue of repealing ObamaCare because in addition to the IRS’s role there is all sorts of other problems with regards to ObamaCare that we need to answer”

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) recently took to the Senate floor to highlight conservative groups targeted by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and shared his frustration with the Obama Administration for fostering a culture of political intimidation that leads to this scandalous behavior. Many Floridians have expressed concerns with the IRS scandal and the IRS’ role in implementing ObamaCare, and this week Rubio responds to a constituent letter from Larry in Orlando on this issue.

To watch the video response, click here or on the video and read more below.

In his response to Larry’s letter questioning how this happened in America and the role the IRS should be allowed to play specifically in the implementation of ObamaCare, Rubio explained, “First of all that fundamental question – ‘Is this still America?’ – is one of the first things I asked myself when I saw what was happening. When you read a headline that a powerful government agency is targeting people because of their political views, that’s the kind of headline you read from other countries, not here in America. So you’re absolutely right when you state it that way. That is the concern that so many of us have.

“Now as far as the IRS’s roll in ObamaCare – well that’s chilling. Because if you notice, the IRS is deeply involved in implementing ObamaCare. They’re on the front lines of it. The IRS is going to go through the country asking people, ‘What kind of – prove to us that you have health insurance. Prove to us that the health insurance you have is adequate and, if you don’t have health insurance, pay us $2,000 or a similar fine or fee or tax as a result of failing to get health insurance.’ The IRS, this agency – that either is targeting people because of their political views or is incompetent – this is the agency that is in charge of doing this. We should be very concerned about that, and it is an argument for repealing ObamaCare. You can’t just move the IRS out of the way because if the IRS isn’t doing it then either some new government bureaucracy will have to be created or some existing government bureaucracy will go ahead and implement this. So the only answer to this is to repeal ObamaCare. It’s just one more reason why this law is going to be a disaster for our country. And in the months to come, I’m really going to focus on the issue of repealing ObamaCare because in addition to the IRS’s role there is all sorts of other problems with regards to ObamaCare that we need to answer.

“So thank you for your email, it’s very indicative of the kinds that we’re getting from people all over the state. I want you all to know how deeply committed I continue to be to this issue because to me it’s a fundamental issue of our constitutional rights. One of the things that separates America from the rest of the world is that our founders knew from history, that no matter who’s in charge of government, if that government gets too big and too powerful it will abuse that power. Well we’re seeing evidence of that here now with the IRS. We need to remember our constitutional founding principles of limited government because they are the right thing to do for our country, they are a distinguishing feature of this land, and we can never afford to lose that. And I will be tireless in stating that case over and over again to anyone that will listen.”