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Senator Rubio Opposes The Latest Democrat Tax Increase Plan

Dec 5, 2011 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) issued the following statement regarding the new Senate Democrat plan to extend the payroll tax cut by taxing job creators:

“The President and Senate Democrats’ obsession with raising taxes on job creators is paralyzing not only the chances for action in Washington but, more importantly, stifling the job creators that should be doing what they do best to help put Americans back to work.

“Raising taxes on job creators is a bad idea, especially at a time when we need those people making investments in our economy that will encourage new jobs.  I support extending the current payroll tax cut and believe we can do it without raising taxes. 

“There is no shortage of waste in government that can be cut, fundamental spending reforms to be made or pro-growth tax reforms that can be enacted that would more than cover the cost of extending the payroll tax cut.  Let’s get serious about approving real policies to encourage job creation and stop the absurd Washington-style theatrics surrounding this payroll tax debate.”