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Senator Rubio Hails Passage Of Key Anti-Human Trafficking Legislation

Feb 28, 2013 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) hailed today’s passage of the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (TVPRA) in the U.S. House of Representatives. Earlier this month, this key Rubio-sponsored measure to combat human trafficking was approved by the Senate as an amendment to a broader package of legislation.  

With the TVPRA now cleared in both chambers of Congress, it is set to become law with the President’s signature.  

“By becoming law, the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act will enhance cooperation among federal agencies fighting trafficking, support the victim-centered approach to trafficking and promote greater accountability by ensuring federal funds are used for their intended purpose of fighting this deplorable crime and helping victims,” said Rubio. “Since arriving in the Senate, I’ve been proud to be part of a bipartisan group of senators led by Patrick Leahy working to re-authorize this landmark anti-human trafficking legislation, and I’m pleased that it will now become law.”  

“While I remain concerned about other aspects of the overall legislation the TVPRA was amended to, it should not overshadow this important victory for human trafficking victims and their families, as well as the law enforcement, non-profit and charitable organizations devoted to fighting this modern day slavery,” added Rubio.  

The Trafficking Victims Protection Act was first passed in 2000 and has been reauthorized in 2003, 2005 and 2008. This bill reauthorizes anti-human trafficking programs through 2017. Additionally, the TVPRA promotes increased cooperation among federal agencies, between the U.S. other countries, and between federal, state and local law enforcement agencies, including through information-sharing and resource coordination. The TVPRA also focuses on cutting off human trafficking at its roots by supporting international efforts to tackle the sources of trafficking.