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Senator Rubio Earns The American Conservative Union’s Award For Conservative Voting Record In 2012

Feb 21, 2013 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – The American Conservative Union, the nation’s oldest conservative grassroots organization, announced today that U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) has earned its prestigious ratings award for the second session of the 112th Congress. This award was established to recognize public servants whose voting records rank in the top twenty percent on a wide range of issues important to grassroots conservatives. Rubio earned a score of 100 percent on the ACU’s congressional scorecard, which included votes to repeal ObamaCare and enact meaningful spending cuts.

Following this announcement, Rubio said, “I’m honored that the American Conservative Union, an organization with a rich history of standing up for limited government and free markets, chose to recognize me alongside so many other great public servants. But our work is only beginning. In the year ahead, we will continue to advance the interests of people trying to make it to the middle class and beyond by loosening the crushing grip of government on private enterprise and allowing the American people the freedom to grow the economy and create jobs.”

Senator Rubio was widely praised by conservative organizations for his voting record in the 112th Congress. The National Taxpayers Union named him the “Taxpayer’s Best Friend,” the Club for Growth awarded him its prestigious “Defender of Economic Freedom” award, and Americans for Prosperity gave him a perfect A+ rating. Furthermore, Senator Rubio received “Sentinel Status” from Heritage Action and perfect voting scores from the National Rifle Association, the Family Research Council, the Christian Coalition of America, Concerned Women for America, the Faith and Freedom Coalition, and National Right to Life.