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Senator Rubio Comments On The Continuing Resolution

Mar 2, 2011 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio today issued the following statement after voting for the two-week Continuing Resolution:

“I appreciate the work of the leaders in the House of Representatives and Senate in crafting a two-week Continuing Resolution to fund the federal government beyond March 4. With a $1.5 trillion deficit and a staggering national debt that exceeds $14 trillion, our nation confronts the painful reality that we can no longer afford the reckless Washington habit of spending more money than we have.

“However, while a good first step, we must cut far deeper than the $4 billion in total spending reductions contained in the Continuing Resolution, which are deeply inadequate to begin dealing with our nation’s debt crisis. Job creators will not make new job-creating investments until the uncertainty of this debt crisis is resolved. A failure to tackle this problem in a serious and meaningful way will only further compound our economic problems and keep America on a path toward a diminished future. Our nation, our economy and future generations can no longer afford Washington’s decades-long legacy of out-of-control spending by both parties and this legislation is only the beginning of what will be a difficult road of tough decisions.”