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Senator Rubio Comments On The Balanced Budget Amendment

Nov 18, 2011 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio issued the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives failed to pass a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution without sufficient taxpayer protections:
“I support a balanced budget amendment that is strong, meaningful and will actually help end Washington’s spending spree.  The best measure is one that requires supermajorities to raise taxes and increase the debt limit, while enacting a cap on all federal spending, ideally at 18 percent of gross domestic product, like the amendment supported by all 47 Senate Republicans.  Each of these provisions is vital to ensure that a balanced budget amendment effectively restrains spending and protects against automatic, job-killing tax increases. Unfortunately, that’s not what the House considered today.  Taxpayers deserve a strong balanced budget amendment that will truly help end the decades-long legacy of out-of-control spending by both parties.”