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Rubio: What’s Crazy Is Funding ObamaCare

Jul 23, 2013 | Press Releases

Rubio: “What’s crazy is arguing that the only way we can move forward with a budget is if it includes ObamaCare. What’s crazy is shutting down the government because the budget doesn’t pay to implement this outrageous and broken system. We need to wake up and realize what’s happening. This is hurting the American middle class. And if we lose the American middle class, we lose what makes our economy different and special and unique.” 

Excerpt from U.S. Senate Floor Speech
Senator Marco Rubio
July 23, 2013

Senator Marco Rubio: “We have one last chance to stop this if the White House won’t cooperate, and that’s through our budgeting process. We are probably going to have to pass in September here a short-term budget to move forward into the next year. And a lot of my colleagues love to say that they’re against ObamaCare. But if you vote for a budget that pays for ObamaCare, that pays for these things I’ve just described, you have voted for ObamaCare. Some will say, ‘Well, that’s crazy. You are going to shut down the government over ObamaCare?’ No, what’s crazy is moving forward with this thing after all the problems I’ve outlined. This is just the tip of the iceberg. I only have ten minutes. I could be here six hours describing all the problems with ObamaCare. Moving forward on that is what’s crazy. What’s crazy is arguing that the only way we can move forward with a budget is if it includes ObamaCare. What’s crazy is shutting down the government because the budget doesn’t pay to implement this outrageous and broken system. We need to wake up and realize what’s happening. This is hurting the American middle class. And if we lose the American middle class, we lose what makes our economy different and special and unique.

“And so, Mr. President, as you travel around the country this week, as you come to Jacksonville, Florida, on Thursday, I hope you will also explain to the American people how it is that you can justify cutting hours, cutting benefits, and taking away existing health insurance and existing doctor-patient relationships. Away from millions of working-class and middle-class Americans who are going to be hurt by this law because of your refusal and the refusal of many of your allies to consider suspending this or permanently repealing it and replacing it with something better.”