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Rubio Welcomes Sanctions Against Carrie Lam and Individuals Undermining Hong Kong’s Freedom and Autonomy

Aug 7, 2020 | Press Releases

Miami, FL — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), author of the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act (P.L. 116–76), issued a statement after the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), pursuant to Executive Order 13936, sanctioned 11 individuals for their role in undermining Hong Kong’s autonomy and suppressing Hong Kongers’ rights, including Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Carrie Lam

Treasury also sanctioned Commissioner of the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) Chris Tang, Former HKPF Commissioner Stephen Lo, HKSAR Secretary for Security John Lee Ka-chiu, HKSAR Secretary for Justice Teresa Cheng, HKSAR Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Erick Tsang, Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council Xia Baolong, Deputy Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council Zhang Xiaoming, Director of the Hong Kong Liaison Office Luo Huining, Director of the Office for Safeguarding National Security in Hong Kong Zheng Yanxiong, and Secretary General of the Committee for Safeguarding National Security of the HKSAR Eric Chan. 

“Chief Executive Carrie Lam has repeatedly shown the world that she is a willing pawn of the Chinese Government and Communist Party rather than a protector of Hong Kong’s autonomy guaranteed by the Sino-British Joint Declaration. Lam has assisted Beijing in subverting Hong Kong’s democratic freedoms and the rule of law. I applaud the Trump Administration for sanctioning these individuals, who have orchestrated the erosion of Hong Kong’s autonomy while spearheading a campaign of repression that violates Hong Kong’s commitments to protect universally-recognized human rights.”

Rubio is Cochair of the bipartisan and bicameral Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC), the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations’ Subcommittee that oversees human rights, and is a member of the Subcommittee on East Asia, the Pacific, and International Cybersecurity Policy.