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Rubio Welcomes Decision By Administration, Allies to Pursue Charges Against Chinese Government Hackers

Dec 20, 2018 | Press Releases

Miami, FL – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), Chairman of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC), released a statement following reports that the Administration is pursuing charges against Chinese hackers directly associated with the Ministry of State Security:
“I commend the Administration for pursuing charges against Chinese government hackers. Regardless of any past commitment, China’s intelligence services have continued brazen attempts to steal the intellectual property of American companies in an effort to continue to exploit the technological gains of others and fuel the goals of the Chinese Communist Party. The United States must lead like-minded countries to counter the Chinese government’s lawless cyberaggression. We must understand that this is part of China’s strategic effort to supplant and undermine America’s economic and global leadership. The United States must continue using all tools, including military alliances, law enforcement, sanctions and other pressure, to end China’s growing threat to our national and economic security. How we confront China is the single most important geopolitical issue of our time.”

China’s theft of U.S. intellectual property costs our nation alone nearly $600 billion per year—economic damages that exceed the total profits of the top 50 companies on last year’s Fortune 500 list.