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Rubio: We Cannot Double Down On Bad Ideas Like ObamaCare

Jul 30, 2013 | Press Releases

Rubio: “What does work is a government that’s focused on making America the best place in the world to start a business or grow an existing one because that’s what creates jobs and middle class prosperity. And ObamaCare goes to the heart of that. It undermines that. It makes it harder and more expensive to hire more people, to start businesses, to grow existing ones.”

Excerpts of Interview on “The Mike Gallagher Show”
Senator Marco Rubio
July 30, 2013
Full Interview:

Senator Marco Rubio: “As this thing gets closer and closer to being implemented, we are starting to see the dramatic impact that it’s going to have on our economy and, in particular, on small businesses and on the middle class. People that work full time are now going to get pushed to part time. Just today a report from the insurance commissioner in my home state of Florida said that in the individual market, where a lot of small business owners are, their rates are going to go down thirty to forty percent. How can we not look at those things and say, ‘You know, we really shouldn’t be doubling down on this idea?’ That’s why I wrote a piece yesterday that said only in Washington do we double down on bad ideas. When Coke came out with New Coke and it was a disaster, they knew when it was time to pull the plug and go back to their original formula, and start from there. But not in Washington. When something is going wrong, they just do more of it.”

Rubio: “This is not a partisan issue. This is not even an ideological issue right now. I think both Republicans and Democrats, and liberals and conservatives are going to be hurt badly. This is going to hurt every American in some way, shape or form. We should not be continuing to pour taxpayer money into a program that’s destined to collapse but more importantly is destined to really hurt our ability to grow jobs and our economy.”

Mike Gallagher: “What I really do appreciate, Senator, is your continued reference to the proper role of government and perhaps that is a real ideological rift, isn’t it? That’s a split. That’s a division.”

Rubio: “If people point to Washington they say, ‘It’s broken, they can’t come to a consensus on anything.’ I think the underlying reason why is because for the first time in a long time we have a deep fundamental disagreement on what the proper role of government is. I mean, usually despite differences in approach you had some level of consensus on the fact that the government should not be involved in every aspect of our economy and certainly not involved in trying to manage it. You don’t have that anymore. You have people here who truly believe, including the President, who truly believe that the way you grow the economy is you get the government more involved in the economy. And that the way you create prosperity is that you get the government involved in redistributing wealth. But we know from American history that that doesn’t work. What does work is a government that’s focused on making America the best place in the world to start a business or grow an existing one because that’s what creates jobs and middle class prosperity. And ObamaCare goes to the heart of that. It undermines that. It makes it harder and more expensive to hire more people, to start businesses, to grow existing ones.”