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Rubio Warns Consumers to Take Steps to Protect Themselves from ObamaCare Website Problems

Oct 21, 2013 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) issued the following warning to consumers following President Obama’s remarks regarding the disastrous ObamaCare website:

“It is clear the ObamaCare rollout has been a disaster that has further eroded the American people’s confidence in the federal government’s ability to keep basic promises. With all the problems and errors with the ObamaCare website, people should collect as much evidence as they can from their experiences in order to protect themselves from potential fraud, double billing, and penalties once the mandate is enforced. While the errors with the website have been well documented in the media, it’s important that every consumer who is unable to register keep a record of the specific errors they encounter on the website because of the threat of potential government fines for failing to enroll in the future. Make no mistake: The IRS will go after anyone who fails to meet the Obamacare requirements, so it’s important that consumers document the online problems.”