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Rubio: Venezuela Sanctions Legislation Gets Boost With Opposition’s Support

May 9, 2014 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) issued the following statement regarding yesterday’s Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Venezuela:

“Yesterday, Obama Administration officials suggested that the time is not right for implementing sanctions on the individuals responsible for human rights abuses in Venezuela because of supposed concerns expressed by opposition leaders. Now that the main Venezuelan opposition group has made clear that is not the case and it, in fact, endorses individual sanctions like those in our legislation, this is a boost to our cause to hold the Maduro regime accountable by imposing sanctions.

“The time to stand with the Venezuelan people and against their repression by the regime is now. I hope the full Senate will soon be able to consider and approve sanctions legislation against Maduro regime officials and cronies.”