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Rubio: UnitedHealthcare’s Decision Is Another Sign ObamaCare Is Broken

Apr 19, 2016 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today issued the following statement regarding UnitedHealthcare’s decision to leave ObamaCare exchanges in all but “a handful of states,” further confirming ObamaCare’s failure:

“UnitedHealthcare’s announcement that it is abandoning ObamaCare exchanges across the country is another sign this law is broken and must be repealed and replaced. It’s clear the health insurance companies that helped pass ObamaCare want nothing to do with it now that they’re losing money and can’t get the taxpayer-funded bailout that was tucked deep into the law. I’m proud to have led the successful effort in Congress to stop the ObamaCare bailout, and it is a top priority for me to make sure we stop it once again later this year.”