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Rubio Supports Governor Scott’s Request for Federal Disaster Declaration in Response to Hurricane Hermine

Sep 21, 2016 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today urged President Obama to grant Florida Governor Rick Scott’s request for a federal disaster declaration in response to the damage caused by Hurricane Hermine.
“I saw firsthand the damage this storm caused in Leon County,” states Rubio’s letter. “I spoke to homeowners who, despite the daunting task of recovering from a hurricane, remained positive in spirit. I have talked with leaders throughout the state who have told me of the devastation in their coastal areas. I strongly urge you to consider all of the circumstances referenced in the Governor’s request and approve the assistance Floridians so desperately need.”
On September 3, Rubio visited a Tallahassee neighborhood and met with Leon County community leaders and officials about recovery efforts.
The full text of Rubio’s letter is below.
September 20, 2016
President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear Mr. President,
I write in strong support of Governor Rick Scott’s request for a major disaster declaration in response to the damage caused to Florida by Hurricane Hermine, and urge you to approve this request immediately.
As Hurricane Hermine made its way through Florida, it left a trail of destruction through numerous counties, many of which are rural and home to low-income and elderly populations. Not only did the wind prove unrelenting, but the amount of sustained rainfall wreaked havoc. Pinellas County, for example, received 22.36 inches of rain in this one event. Also of note, Taylor County experienced storm surges in excess of 8.6 feet.
Although Hurricane Hermine was the first hurricane to make landfall in Florida in eleven years, the past twelve months have not been quiet in terms of severe weather and tragedies. You may recall Governor Scott requested assistance for several events since August 2015, all of which were denied and therefore required the use of state funds. I believe the multiple disaster events already sustained by the state and the estimated costs justify your support for this declaration.
I saw firsthand the damage this storm caused in Leon County. I spoke to homeowners who, despite the daunting task of recovering from a hurricane, remained positive in spirit. I have talked with leaders throughout the state who have told me of the devastation in their coastal areas. I strongly urge you to consider all of the circumstances referenced in the Governor’s request and approve the assistance Floridians so desperately need.
Marco Rubio
United States Senator