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Rubio Statement on ZTE “Deal”

Jul 13, 2018 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C.— U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today released the following statement after the U.S. Department of Commerce announced that it had reached a deal with Chinese telecom company, ZTE, to lift the seven-year ban against the export of U.S. parts and components to ZTE:‎

“ZTE should be put out of business. There is no ‘deal’ with a state-directed company that the Chinese government and Communist Party uses to spy and steal from us where Americans come out winning. We must put American jobs and national security first, which is why I have urged NDAA conferees to ensure the bipartisan provision to reinstate penalties against ZTE is included in the final bill.”

Yesterday, Rubio and several of his colleagues urged the chairmen of the Senate and House Armed Services committees to include the Senate-passed Cotton-Van Hollen-Schumer-Rubio amendment that would reinstate penalties against ZTE in their upcoming NDAA FY2019 Conference Report.