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Rubio Statement on New Treasury Anti-Terrorism Sanctions Against Iran’s Central Bank Governor, Hizballah Official

May 15, 2018 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C.— U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today issued a statement after the U.S. Treasury Department blacklisted Central Bank of Iran (CBI) Governor Valiollah Seif and CBI official Ali Tarzali as “Specially Designated Global Terrorists” (SDGTs) for covertly channeling millions of dollars, on behalf of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force (IRGC-QF), to Hizballah terrorists.  The Treasury Department also imposed related anti-terrorism sanctions against Hizballah official Muhammad Qasir pursuant to the Hizballah International Financing Prevention Act (Public Law 114-102) that Senator Rubio co-authored in 2015, and against Iraq-based Al-Bilad Islamic Bank and its chairman/CEO.

“I applaud the Trump Administration’s new sanctions against Iran’s central bank governor and other malign actors involved in efforts by the Iranian regime and its Revolutionary Guard to channel millions of dollars to Hizballah terrorists through the international financial system. These sanctions designations underscore why Congress needs to quickly pass the new Hizballah International Financing Prevention Amendments Act of 2017 to further degrade and destroy the ability of Iran-backed Hizballah terrorists to access money.”