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Rubio Statement After Senate Democrats Reject Budget To Keep Government Open

Sep 30, 2013 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) issued the following statement after Senate Democrats rejected a budget to keep the federal government open, delay ObamaCare for a year, and repeal its tax on seniors’ pacemakers and other medical devices:

“Across our country, Americans are as disgusted as I am by the latest Washington spectacle of failed leadership. I hear it every day from Americans hurting and wondering whether anyone in Washington even cares about people like them who continue working hard and sacrificing, only to keep falling behind. While Washington debates how to keep the government open, too few are talking about how to keep the American dream alive for the vast majority of Americans threatened by Washington’s dysfunction and intrusions into our economy and lives.

“On October 1, ObamaCare will begin to take root in Americans’ lives and mark among the most invasive intrusions into our workplaces, health plans and religious freedoms that we have ever seen. ObamaCare hurts everyone but especially the very people who live week-to-week, for whom being moved to part-time and losing work hours can be a devastating hit for their families.”