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Rubio: Spending Bill Grows Debt, Furthers President Obama’s Big Government Spending Priorities

Dec 18, 2015 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) issued the following statement after today’s approval of a $1.1 trillion spending bill:

“Washington’s leadership has created another massive spending bill in secret and rammed it through Congress, hoping that the American people don’t notice or have become numb to this kind of business as usual. This is what a broken Washington looks like under President Obama and what Congress reverts to without conservative presidential leadership. While stopping ObamaCare’s taxpayer-funded bailout of insurance companies is an important win, I strongly oppose this bill because it keeps spending money that we don’t have, grows our debt, and concedes far too many of President Obama’s and liberal Democrats’ big government spending priorities.”