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Rubio, Shaheen, Ayotte Introduce Resolution Urging IRS To Provide Taxpayers With Printed Materials Needed To File Their Taxes

Mar 25, 2015 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) today introduced a resolution urging the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to provide taxpayers in Florida, New Hampshire and around the country with the printed materials needed to file their taxes correctly and on time.

The resolution comes in response to constituents who have traditionally relied on printed copies of the IRS’ Publication 17, which provides instructions for most people filing taxes. The IRS recently ceased broad distribution of this printed manual unless requested and paid for by people preparing their taxes.

On February 11, Rubio requested these printed materials in a letter to IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, who subsequently turned down the request.

Shaheen and Ayotte have also urged the IRS to provide tax materials to public libraries and facilities.

“While filing taxes electronically has become the norm in the 21st century, we must also recognize that many Americans still lack the Internet access and tools to be able to do so, not to mention the serious tax fraud that happens online,” said Rubio. “The IRS shouldn’t be making it harder for taxpayers to comply with the law, and this resolution makes clear that the IRS’ behavior borders on callous indifference to the unique needs of many, especially our seniors.”

“We need to make sure that taxpayers have the information they need to file their taxes, and we need to take extra care to provide that information to our seniors and those with limited access to the Internet,” Shaheen said. “Many Americans are still accustomed to filing hard copies of their taxes, and the IRS should be doing everything it can to make the filing process as easy as possible.”

“With almost twenty percent of Granite Staters personally filing paper returns, the IRS’ decision not to provide printed tax forms defies common sense and places an undue burden on low-income and elderly taxpayers in our state,” said Ayotte. “I am very concerned that this will leave many New Hampshire residents with no means to obtain the forms necessary to complete their tax returns, and I urge the IRS to correct this problem immediately.”