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Rubio seeks to honor Lt. Debra Clayton by renaming national law-enforcement program

Jan 10, 2018 | News

Orlando Sentinel: Rubio seeks to honor Lt. Debra Clayton by renaming national law-enforcement program
By Bianca Padro Ocasio
January 9, 2018

US. Sen. Marco Rubio urged the Justice Department on Tuesday to name the Community Policing Development program after Orlando Police Lt. Debra Clayton, a year after she was killed in the line of duty.

In a letter sent to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Rubio requested that the department “further honor the ideals and efforts [Clayton] undertook” by renaming the Community Oriented Policing Services’ CPD program as the “Lieutenant Debra Clayton Community Policing Development Program.”

“I respectfully ask that your department engage with my office to identify a suitable grant program to honor Lieutenant Clayton’s work should you determine that the CPD program is not appropriate,” Rubio wrote in the letter.

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The full text of Rubio’s letter is here.