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Rubio Says “Misguided” SCOTUS Decision Will Hurt Florida’s Environment and Economy

Apr 1, 2021 | Press Releases

Miami, FL — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) released a statement after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 9-0 against Florida in Florida v. Georgia regarding water flow into Florida’s Apalachicola Bay:
“The U.S. Supreme Court’s misguided decision to allow Georgia’s gratuitous overconsumption of water from the Apalachicola Chattahoochee Flint (ACF) River Basin will allow further harm to northwest Florida’s environment and economy without consequence,” Rubio said. “Hardworking families in northwest Florida have depended on this treasured natural resource for generations, and they deserve a brighter economic future that can only be secured with sufficient downstream freshwater flows to Apalachicola Bay. I will continue to fight for a long-term solution to the deteriorating conditions of Apalachicola Bay and the entire ACF River Basin.”