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Rubio Releases Report on State Department: “Woke Is Weak”

Jun 21, 2023 | Press Releases

The offices of U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Representative Brian Mast (R-FL) released a new report titled “‘Diversity Over Diplomacy’ – How Wokeness is Weakening the U.S. State Department.”

The report details how the U.S. State Department has prioritized promoting Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) policies at the expense of carrying out its mission to build international relationships and protect America’s national security.  

  • “The State Department’s misguided focus on wokeness has undermined its effectiveness and distracted from its duty to protect and promote America’s national interests. This focus on promoting divisive partisan goals will only undermine our efforts on the world stage. We need to ensure that the State Department is effective in representing our national interests and that our diplomats are focused on our national security rather than bizarre DEIA objectives, most of which are rejected by Americans.”  – Senator Rubio
  • “A woke America is a weak America. After the catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan, the world is questioning whether or not the United States is the beacon of strength it’s always been.  But instead of trying to strengthen our position abroad, the Biden State Department is focused on pushing woke ideology worldwide.  We need unity more than ever; the Biden Administration’s attempt to sow division under the guise of ‘diversity’ is not the answer to the geopolitical threats we are facing.” – Congressman Mast

Read the full report here.

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