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Rubio Reintroduces Educational Opportunities Act

Feb 25, 2021 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) reintroduced the Educational Opportunities Act to expand school choice to more families through a new federal tax credit. Rubio first introduced the legislation in February 2013. 
The Educational Opportunities Act would allow individuals and businesses to contribute to qualified Scholarship Granting Organizations (SGOs) that award need-based scholarships to students to defray the cost of attending private schools. The bill creates an individual federal tax credit of up to $4,500 and a corporate credit of up to $100,000 for donations to qualifying, non-profit SGOs. 
“American students’ potential should not be limited by the zip code their family can afford to live in,” Rubio said. “By incentivizing investment, this bill addresses disparities in our education system to ensure students are able to thrive in the school that best fits their needs. I urge my colleagues to support this legislation that will empower families and students with the tools they need to succeed in the middle class and beyond.”