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Rubio Receives A+ from International Religious Freedom (IRF)

May 7, 2021 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) received an A+ rating from the 21Wilberforce’s International Religious Freedom (IRF) Congressional Scorecard for his continued defense and promotion of religious freedom worldwide. Rubio, author of the bill which reauthorized the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), earned the Senate’s top score in the 116th Congress (2019-2020) according to 21Wilberforce’s nonpartisan scorecard.
“Embattled religious minorities and dissenting members of majority religious communities suffer extraordinary pressures — even genocide— as the essential freedom of religion deteriorates worldwide. Defending the fundamental right to conscience is a leading challenge of our time,” 21Wilberforce said. “We recognize and thank members of Congress who have championed international religious freedom in tangible ways and encourage legislators to take even bolder actions in support of freedom of religion or belief around the world,” 21Wilberforce concluded.
“The freedom to practice or live out one’s faith according to one’s conscience is a sacred right that no government has the authority to take away. Tragically, this fundamental human right remains under constant assault around the world,” Rubio said. “I am proud to continue to advance policies that ensure protections for freedom of religion and belief, as well as impose serious consequences on the governments and non-state actors who engage in gross abuses of religious freedom.”
Rubio is the Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations’ Subcommittee overseeing Human Rights.
Rubio-led legislation in defense of religious freedom worldwide during the 116th Congress: