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Rubio: President Obama’s Climate Agreement All for Show

Sep 3, 2016 | Press Releases

Orlando, FL – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) released the following statement today regarding President Obama’s unilateral decision to formally join the Paris Climate Agreement:
“I believe strongly in conserving natural resources and protecting our environment for our kids and grandkids. President Obama’s ridiculous Climate Agreement, however, is more about appeasing extreme activists and preserving his liberal legacy. It won’t change the weather, but it will hurt our economy and take away the jobs of hundreds of thousands of hardworking Americans, including many in Florida, who will also see their energy bills go up. But in addition to crushing the American Dream with excessive and overly burdensome regulations, this agreement will pave the way to American taxpayers sending billions of dollars to countries like India and China, with no way of ensuring they hold up their end of the bargain. Just like President Obama’s terrible deal with Iran is letting that country cheat its way to a nuclear weapon, this climate agreement is all for show and so full of loopholes it is practically meaningless.”
According to research by one environmental economist, the estimated cost of the U.S. achieving the targets in the agreement “ranges from $42 billion to $176 billion every year until 2050.”