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Rubio Praises Treasury Department’s Disruption of Iranian Network for Massive Bulk-Cash Transfers to Revolutionary Guard Terrorists

May 11, 2018 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C.—U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) praised efforts by the United States and the United Arab Emirates to disrupt a shadowy foreign network that Iran’s terror-sponsoring regime and its central bank used to acquire, convert, and transfer “hundreds of millions” in U.S. dollars to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force (IRGC-QF) terrorists and their violent proxies throughout the Middle East:
“We must stop the international flow of Iranian terrorist funding that the flawed Iran nuclear deal unleashed.  I applaud the Treasury Department for acting swiftly to impose sanctions against Iranian individuals and entities that enabled the regime and the Central Bank of Iran to convert and flood the Revolutionary Guard and its terrorist proxies with hundreds of millions in U.S. dollars.”