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Rubio Praises Russia Sanctions, Urges Biden Administration to Take Additional Steps

Apr 15, 2021 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), Vice Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, issued the following statement after the Biden Administration announced multiple actions against the Russian Government. 
“I support the Biden Administration’s actions against the Russian government, in particular the overdue expulsion of Russian personnel who have been exploiting our open system,” Rubio said. “Russian malign activity – including the poisonings and assassinations of Putin critics to cyber espionage to invading neighboring countries and their theft and meddling in democratic elections – demands a strong response. The best way to deter future cyber-attacks, domestic meddling, and foreign aggression is for the U.S. Government to respond aggressively to Putin’s corrupt regime.”
“This is an important step, but we must do more,” Rubio continued. “The Biden Administration must implement the law passed by Congress and take immediate action to stop Nord Stream 2 from being completed. It is also crucial that our allies, especially in Europe, take similar actions.”