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Rubio On Fox News: “If You Leave The Status Quo In Place, That Is Amnesty”

May 22, 2013 | Press Releases

Excerpts of Interview with FOX News’ Neil Cavuto
Senator Marco Rubio
May 22, 2013
Full Interview:

Senator Marco Rubio: “My argument continues to be if we don’t pass anything, we have amnesty. We have 11.5 million people potentially living in the United States illegally, and they’re going to be here whether we pass this bill or not. Quite frankly there aren’t any consequences to that, there won’t be any consequences to that under this president. And every year that goes by, the more entrenched they get into the American economy, but they’re not paying taxes, they’re not being held accountable for the work they’re doing, etc. So we don’t know who they are – these are the sorts of reasons why we have to pass immigration reform. If you leave the status quo in place, that is amnesty.”