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Rubio: No One Is Above The Law When It Comes To Protecting Our Nation’s Secrets

Jul 7, 2016 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today issued the following statement following reports that the U.S. State Department is reopening its investigation of the mishandling of classified intelligence by Hillary Clinton and her top aides:
“I am glad that the State Department has heeded the concerns I and nine other senators raised earlier and is reportedly reviewing the status of the security clearances of Hillary Clinton and her top aides, given their ‘extremely careless’ handling of classified information. There’s no question they should all lose their security clearances if they are still active. The State Department now needs to show that it will not let politics interfere with its investigation and that any State Department employee who mishandles classified information will be punished regardless of their rank. No one should be above the rules when it comes to protecting our nation’s secrets, not even the Secretary of State or her top aides. I look forward to a complete response to the questions we raised in our letter to Secretary Kerry about the Department’s handling of this matter and a swift resolution of this case.”