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Rubio, Nelson, FL Delegation Members Reiterate Opposition to Drilling in Eastern Gulf

Jan 24, 2018 | Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Bill Nelson (D-FL) led members of the Florida congressional delegation in a letter to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke reiterating their “strong opposition to any attempt to open up the eastern Gulf of Mexico to oil and gas drilling.”
“In light of Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Acting Director Walter Cruickshank’s recent statement before the House Natural Resources Committee that the Planning Areas off Florida’s coasts are still under consideration for offshore drilling, we write to reiterate our strong opposition to any attempt to open up the eastern Gulf of Mexico to oil and gas drilling,” the lawmakers wrote. “We object to any efforts to open the eastern Gulf of Mexico to drilling, and we urge you to remove this area from the five-year plan immediately.”
The full letter is available here