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Rubio Meets With Florida Legislative Leaders To Discuss Federal-State Issues

Feb 28, 2017 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) this morning concluded a two-day series of meetings with members of the Florida legislature to discuss several federal issues affecting Florida. The participants included Florida Senate President Joe Negron, Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives Richard Corcoran, Senator Bill Galvano, and Representatives Michael Bileca, Jose Felix Diaz, and Carlos Trujillo. 

“I extended this invitation to members of the Florida legislature because since my days in the Florida House I’ve recognized the overlap between many of the policies being advanced in Tallahassee and Washington, and the importance of close cooperation among state and federal officials,” said Rubio. “I’ve known several of these state legislators for many years and even served with several of them in Florida, and our meeting was intended to strengthen the partnership between Congress and the Florida legislature as they head into the legislative session, where they will be tackling a number of issues that have a federal nexus. I am committed to ensuring Florida’s state legislators in both parties have the support they need from my office in getting clarity from Washington about the way forward on many issues.

“Among the issues we discussed, repealing and replacing ObamaCare was a top priority,” Rubio continued. “Florida’s water issues will remain a top priority in the state legislature and in Congress, where last year we finally succeeding in authorizing the Central Everglades Planning Project, and now need to appropriate the necessary funds for this landmark restoration effort. With the National Flood Insurance Program set to expire this September, we also exchanged ideas on reforming the program in order to put it on a more sustainable path and prevent a massive rate increase from hitting homeowners.

“My office and I will continue to work closely with state and local leaders throughout Florida and serve as a resource in Washington on any federal issues affecting their work,” Rubio added. “I look forward to working with state legislators on both sides of the aisle this Congress.”

Photos courtesy of Senator Rubio’s office.