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Rubio, Lee Reaffirm Commitment to Child Tax Credit Expansion

Dec 1, 2017 | Press Releases

U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Mike Lee (R-UT) today reaffirmed their commitment to expanding access to the child tax credit in the Senate tax reform bill.

“We need pro-growth and pro-worker tax reform, and that’s what this amendment aims to do by allowing working families to keep more of their own hard-earned money,” Senator Rubio said.

“Our amendment would make a small change in this bill, but a huge difference in the lives of working families,” Senator Lee said.

Both senators added:

“Currently, our amendment would offset the additional middle class relief with a slight increase in the corporate tax rate. We support that pay-for and believe it gives our amendment a good chance to pass on the floor with bipartisan support. But as we have said all along, we are open to alternative offsets that would preserve the 20% corporate rate, which we support as much as our Republican colleagues. We continue to welcome any effort by Finance Committee members and Republican leaders to help us identify other pay-fors to offset an expansion of the child credit.”