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Rubio Joins Colleagues In Introducing Anti-International Doping Fraud Legislation

Jan 29, 2019 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – United States Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Roger Wicker (R-MS), and Ben Cardin (D-MD) in introducing the Rodchenkov Anti-Doping Act, one week after the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) failed to suspend the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) for missing a crucial December 31, 2018 deadline. The legislation, originally introduced in the 115th Congress, would criminalize international doping fraud conspiracies.
U.S. Representatives Sheila Jackson Lee (TX-18), Michael Burgess (TX-26), Steve Cohen (TN-9), Richard Hudson (NC-8), Diana DeGette (CO-1), Peter King (NY-3), Alcee Hastings (FL-20), Billy Long (MO-7), Hank Johnson (GA-4), Chris Smith (NJ-4), Gwen Moore (WI-4), Bobby Rush (IL-1), and Paul Tonko (NY-20), introduced similar legislation in the House.
The Rodchenkov Anti-Doping Act will:

  • Establish criminal penalties for participating in a scheme in commerce to influence a major international sport competition through prohibited substances or methods.  This section applies to all major international sport competitions in which U.S. athletes participate, and where organizing entities receive sponsorship from companies doing business in the United States or are compensated for the right to broadcast their competition there, so that international fraud against Americans will not go unpunished. Penalties will include fines of up to $1,000,000, or imprisonment of up to ten years, depending on the offense.
  • Provide restitution to victims of such conspiracies.  Athletes and other persons who are victims of major international doping fraud conspiracies shall be entitled to mandatory restitution for losses inflicted upon them by fraudsters and conspirators.
  • Protect whistleblowers from retaliation.  By criminalizing participation in a major international doping fraud conspiracy, whistleblowers will be included under existing witness and informant protection laws.
  • Establish coordination and sharing of information with the United States Anti-Doping Agency.  Federal agencies involved in the fight against doping shall coordinate and share information with USADA, whose mission is to preserve the integrity of competition, inspire true sport, and protect the rights of athletes, to enhance their collective efforts to curb doping fraud.