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Rubio: Iran President’s Visit To Cuba And Venezuela Should Alarm All Americans

Sep 20, 2016 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) issued the following statement today regarding Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s ‎visit to Cuba and Venezuela:

“The Iran-Cuba-Venezuela axis is a dangerously toxic mix of three regimes led by despots who sponsor terrorism, violate human rights, censor the internet, kidnap innocent American citizens for ransom, and routinely violate and aid in the evasion of international weapons sanctions. Iran is the world’s foremost state sponsor of terrorism, and I can assure the public that its ‘president’ is not visiting Cuba to enjoy apartheid beaches, drink mojitos or take in ‘people-to-people exchange’ salsa lessons. The fact that Nicolas Maduro would take the time to host Rouhani, as the Venezuelan people lack basic necessities like medicine and food and the country disintegrates around him, says a lot about his misguided priorities and intentions.

“Iran’s president is visiting Cuba and Venezuela to plot against the U.S. and threaten our democratic and security interests in the Western Hemisphere. And given that the entire world now knows commercial flights between the U.S. and Cuba lack even the most basic security measures, the Iranian presence in Cuba this week is unsettling and disturbing, to say the least.”