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Rubio, Gillibrand Introduce Bill Supporting Survivors of Human Trafficking

May 7, 2024 | Press Releases

Human trafficking victims are often forced to engage in criminal activity by their abusers, including financial crimes, drug offenses, and identity theft. As a result, human trafficking survivors are often left with federal offense charges incurred during a period they faced severe trauma, manipulation, and coercion. 

U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) introduced the Trafficking Survivors Relief Act to allow the criminal records of non-violent trafficking survivors to be expunged.

  • “We can uplift and provide relief to survivors by setting a new federal precedent that would allow them to live a life free from the repercussions of previous offenses incurred through coerced abuse. This important legislation would grant many survivors the opportunity to contribute positively to their communities.” – Senator Rubio

  • “It is absurd for trafficking victims to be charged with crimes they were forced under extreme duress to commit. This bill would help ensure that after escaping the horrors of human trafficking, victims do not also have to deal with criminal prosecution, imprisonment, and subsequent problems finding employment and housing. It will stop a vicious cycle that leaves survivors vulnerable to further exploitation. Congress has a responsibility to pass the Trafficking Survivors Relief Act and help survivors rebuild their lives with a fresh start. I am proud to be introducing this critical legislation and am fighting hard to get it passed.” – Senator Gillibrand