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Jun 13, 2022 | Press Releases

Rubio embraces his low-key side
June 13, 2022
“If I were a news entity and all I did is report on how Republicans and Democrats work together to pass something that makes sense, you wouldn’t survive very long,” the Florida senator said in an interview. “Not a lot of people will read that stuff.”
Rubio says he’s satisfied with his Senate lot, and he has good reason to be: After nearly 12 years in office, he’s only 51 in a chamber filled with octogenarians. If Republicans take back the chamber, he’ll be the Senate Intelligence Committee chair, with plenty of time and a more padded resume if he decides to seek higher office again. 
The Senate’s gun negotiations illustrate Rubio’s recent approach. He’s the author of several proposals that senators considered for a bipartisan gun safety package: promoting so-called “red flag” laws in states, standardizing school safety and expanding threat assessments. …  
Rubio didn’t vote for the bipartisan infrastructure bill and opposed the large government funding bill in March, yet also takes pains to present himself as pragmatic. Case in point: He appeared on CNN this month with liberal Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) to tout their work together on the toxic burn pits legislation. …
Gillibrand summed Rubio up as “really easy and fun to work with.”
Gillibrand isn’t the only progressive Rubio’s locked arms with on specific issues. He partnered with Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) to crack down on Uyghur slave labor in China and teamed with Sens. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) to make Daylight Savings Time permanent, a bill that passed the Senate but is stalled in the House. All the while, he maintains high ratings from conservative organizations and blasts the NBA for its business footprint in China. …
Rubio mostly avoided friction with Trump during the latter’s presidency, focusing instead on boosting child tax credits in the 2017 GOP tax law and striking a bipartisan deal to create the sprawling Paycheck Protection Act in response to the pandemic. … 
“Who I am is much more about: These are some changes we need to make. And if we do that, America is going to be a place you should be very optimistic about,” Rubio said. …
Rubio himself has no real relationship with Biden, although he divulged that he walked the president through stricter Cuba policies that Trump enacted and Rubio pushed. It’s the only time Rubio has spoken to Biden in the 17 months since Inauguration Day. Despite that distant relationship, every few months Biden signs a bill with Rubio’s fingerprints on it, and another is soon to come as the toxic burn pits legislation rolls through the Senate.
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