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Rubio Delivers Speech on Middle Class Opportunity At U.S. Chamber Of Commerce

Jan 23, 2013 | Press Releases

Senator Marco Rubio
Excerpts of Speech at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
January 23, 2013
Full speech available here: 

Senator Marco Rubio: “If we lose the middle class, we’ll still be a big powerful country, but we will lose one of the things that makes us different and, in my humble opinion, better than any other land that’s ever existed in the history of the world. So the fundamental question we face today is that it’s gotten harder to accomplish that. And through a number of different factors, but two that are really out there the first is we have an economy that’s not growing fast enough. And that’s a function of government action but it’s also a function of the 21st century, of the fact that globalism and the global economy has changed the nature of economics and so we have real challenges for growth that are different than they were just a decade or more earlier. But the second fundamental obstacle to economic progress is the skills gap that exists in our nation. The fact of the matter is that millions of our people do not have the skills that they need for the 21st century.”  


Rubio: “The bottom line is we cannot grow the 21st century middle class without capacitating our people with the skills they need for the 21st century. And one last thing that that’s going to require is more interaction between the economy – the business community, the job creators – and the institutions that are preparing our kids at every level. That means more of an overlap between what our curriculum is doing and what our economy needs. In the 21st century, I would imagine that that’s going to constantly change.”  


Rubio: “There’s got to be more communication between our curriculum and the needs of the business community so that we’re producing more students and more individuals that are capacitated to do the work that the economy demands.”