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Rubio: Cuba-North Korea Sanctions Violation Must Be Punished With Real Measures

Mar 11, 2014 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Select Committee on Intelligence, issued the following statement regarding the newly published United Nations report confirming that North Korea violated international sanctions in 2013 with the assistance of the Cuban regime:

“North Korea is the worst of the world’s worst when it comes to breaking its promises, violating international security agreements, destabilizing the world, repressing innocents and displaying generally bizarre behavior befitting a rogue state. The U.S. and international community must send a clear message to North Korea that there are consequences for flagrantly violating previous weapons agreements and trying to circumvent sanctions.

“The Cuban regime’s complicity is also reprehensible and must be punished. The Cuban regime’s alliance with North Korea and its active involvement in facilitating this type of illicit activity in our own hemisphere is a threat to America’s security as well as the region.

“The Obama Administration should stop allowing military-affiliated hotels, restaurants and other tourist facilities in Cuba to profit from American travel. The administration should also work with like-minded nations and others interested in upholding international non-proliferation accords to condemn this behavior and take meaningful actions to punish it.”