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Rubio Comments on Secretary Clinton’s Statement Regarding Democratic Conditions in Nicaragua

Jan 26, 2012 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio comments on Secretary Clinton’s statement regarding democratic conditions in Nicaragua:

“For months, I have been calling for the U.S. to adopt significant bilateral and regional measures to encourage a return to constitutional order in Nicaragua. I appreciate the statement Secretary Clinton made yesterday on the breakdown of constitutional order in Nicaragua.

“The report from Organization of American States’ (OAS) was a good first step, however it should have been a more direct look at the unconstitutionality of the elections. The Administration should continue boldly in this direction and work with our partners to ensure there are real, meaningful measures taken to restore constitutional order in Nicaragua. Ten years after its adoption, the Inter-American Democratic Charter is under deliberate attacks from rulers in Nicaragua, Ecuador, and Venezuela.

“The Administration’s actions are much needed after three years of allowing business as usual to continue in Latin America. Our policy in the region should be renewing America’s commitment to promoting democracy and free markets. Latin America continues to need American leadership to ensure democratic consensus is not weakened by power hungry autocrats.”