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Rubio Comments On Obama Administration Announcement Regarding U.S. Special Forces Being Sent To Syria

Oct 30, 2015 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C.– U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today issued the following statement regarding the Obama Administration’s announcement about “fewer than 50” U.S. Special Forces being sent to Syria:
“America needs a strategy to defeat ISIL, remove Assad from power, and end the conflict in Syria that continues to threaten our security and that of our allies. While U.S. special operations forces are being sent to aid efforts to fight ISIL in Syria, the administration still tries to claim that they won’t be involved in combat, which is a distinction without a difference and quite frankly an insult to the service and sacrifices of our elite fighting forces and all who support their mission. Simultaneously, Secretary of State Kerry is in Vienna, sitting down with the Russians and the Iranians to negotiate the future of Syria — with the premise that Bashar al-Assad, who has killed more people than ISIL has, can stay in power — in an exercise completely disconnected from the reality on the ground and the best interests of the United States.
“The United States needs to get serious about building a broad coalition, including specifically Syrian and Iraqi Sunnis, to confront not only ISIL but also Assad and his Iranian patrons. Unfortunately, the Obama administration continues to unveil new military missions on a piecemeal basis rather than as part of a cohesive plan to destroy ISIL. I am deeply concerned that the Obama Administration’s continued abdication of leadership in confronting ISIL and the broader instability in the region stoked by Iran and Russia is likely to lead to more deaths of innocent civilians, more strain on our partners and allies, and increasing threats to Americans here at home as well as abroad.
“My thoughts and prayers are with all those brave Americans who take on the important task of keeping our country safe.”