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Rubio Comments On Latest Court Ruling Against ObamaCare

Jul 22, 2014 | Press Releases

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) today issued the following statement regarding a federal appeals court ruling against the Obama Administration’s implementation of ObamaCare:

“Once again, a court ruling against ObamaCare has reminded us that this law was poorly conceived, poorly written, and has been poorly executed by an Obama Administration that believes it can just make up and change the rules as it goes.

“It’s just the tip of the iceberg with a law that’s also destined to either crush patients with obscenely high costs, lead to a taxpayer bailout of health insurance companies, or both. ObamaCare is a bad piece of public policy that needs to be repealed and replaced.

“With two conflicting appellate court rulings on ObamaCare today, I reaffirm my belief that this law ultimately will fall apart.”